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Wild Nature


Our mission is to be the best ambulance service in America, by always providing the highest quality care & comfort to the patients and families we serve - in a sustainable manner.


People, the planet and prosperity. Those are our foundations, the core of all our decision making and how we operate as a company. With this backbone, we innovate and provide services unlike any other.

LuxCare Ambulance Service Triple Bottom


Patient and Nurse


The positive and negative impact an organization has on its most important stakeholders. These include employees, families, customers, suppliers, communities, and any other person influencing or being affected by the organization.



The positive and negative impact an organization has on its natural environment. This includes reducing its carbon footprint, usage of natural resources, toxic materials and so on, but also the active removal of waste, reforestation and restoration of natural harm done.


The positive and negative impact an organization has on the local, national and international economy. This includes creating employment, generating innovation, paying taxes, wealth creation and any other economic impact an organization has.

Credit to Author, Professor, and Dr. Jeroen Kraaijenbrink for elegantly explaining these concepts.


LuxCare Ambulance was created through working in three different companies in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) field as an EMT. During my time, I was routinely late transporting patients to their dialysis appointments. Making matters worse, these patients had to endure a horrible ride to the facility in a cramped, uncomfortable and sterile looking ambulance. One day I asked myself, would I ever want a family member of mine to go through this six times a week for dialysis?

Absolutely not.


Over the course of two years, I worked tirelessly to create, perfect and reinvent my vision of bringing high quality, luxurious transportation to patients requiring an ambulance. After many design, legal, and fiscal challenges, I founded LuxCare Ambulance to help these patients. My work is not over as I will continue to innovate and improve upon existing designs to make sure our patients are getting the best experience possible.

LuxCare Ambulance Service Founder Little


I'm Steven Hall, founder of LuxCare Ambulance. I began my career as an EMT while studying at Bristol Community College - MA in 2015. From there, I went on to work at three different EMS companies until I graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with my bachelor’s in Building & Construction Technology in 2019. I hold a variety of certifications and skills in the project management field, including Six Sigma, Agile & Lean processes, and general project management. I chose Los Angeles because I saw a clear need for innovative, radical change in the Southern California region. My goal is to develop the LA based LuxCare into a  monumental company offering affordable, high quality transportation to patients across the state.

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          As I began to form relationships with my dialysis patients, I noticed a lack of compassion within myself towards their struggles. To me, these were merely boring transports, but to them, this was transportation to the treatments their lives depended on. Upon realizing my own insensitivity, my entire demeanor shifted. I started to view my patients as my own family, treating them with the level of care and respect they deserved. I began talking to, and learning about their interests, hobbies, family, and life to get a better understanding of the person behind the patient.

          Out of concern, I Google searched the emotional well-being of dialysis patients and came across some disturbing discoveries. Did you know that over 83% of end stage renal disease patients suffer from depression, 69% of which is moderate to severe? Most importantly, almost 10% of patients prematurely withdraw from dialysis early, knowing they will die within weeks - effectively committing suicide.

          These numbers are especially personal to me, as I lost my father to depression when I was eight years old. No amount of words can explain how his suicide has affected my life, but it eventually inspired me to become an EMT.

          I became an EMT to change lives and support my community hands-on. More specifically, I hope to prevent others from enduring the profound loss I experienced as a small child, and, at the very least, lend a helping hand. Dialysis patients need help. Countless companies put them at the back of the line and treat them as money streams rather than people. Sadly, I have witnessed this mistreatment firsthand and heard numerous stories of patients skipping their life-saving dialysis sessions because of tardy transportation. Furthermore, patients have no choice but to ride in an unpleasant, uncomfortable, unwelcoming, and sterile looking ambulance three times a week until they die. This is unacceptable. These are people, not paychecks!

          Dialysis centers have been advancing to improve the patient experience by adding TV’s, music, recliners, and a more aesthetically pleasing environment, however the ambulance industry has stagnated. I will be doing my part by exponentially increasing the quality of care these patients receive. LuxCare will not only put its patients first, but make their transportation experience the best in all of America. I want our patients to look forward to their dialysis transportation, not dread it. 


          Until a cure is found, the reality of End Stage Renal Disease is that many will have to stay on dialysis indefinitely. The time ESRD patients have should not be spent stressed and depressed. LuxCare will make these years more comfortable and pleasant, empowering dialysis patients to enjoy their time without worrying about their next transport.


 Steven Hall

 "Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms among Hemodialysis ...."

 "Suicide in the United States End-Stage Renal Disease ....",

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