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  • Writer's pictureSteven Hall

How to Keep Yourself Occupied During COVID-19

While there will be many articles out there, telling you to be "productive" and to "learn a new skill" or to "be positive," I won't give you any fake consolation.

The world is under an emotional toll, and some are having it worse than others. So, if you feel stressed and anxious, understand that it is okay to feel this way. You don't have to do anything extra special to pass your time.

However, you do need to cope, meet deadlines, and still hold on to that last brink of sanity that you have gotten left.

In case you are feeling bored out of your mind, here are a few things that you can do to keep yourself busy:

1. Go out in nature

But hey! Experts asked us to stay indoors! Well, that's true, but you can go for a quick walk to the park and take a stroll around if no one is there. However, if you don't want to go out and still miss nature, then hit up some documentary and watch it. All the polar bears and lions are waiting for you to be explored. You might learn something new, plus it's a very relaxing and brainless activity. You'll surely love it.

2. Get some exercise, maybe?

No, I don't mean that you're getting out of your beach body, but you really need to move a bit. In our regular lives, we move around a lot, and that keeps us active. So, even if you don't want to directly start off with HIIT, you can surely do some cardio, light yoga, and of course, no one can stop you from dancing.

3. Watch a season

You might have already done this, but watch another one, it's okay. You don't have to worry about doing it for too long. As long as you feel okay, it's enough. What is it next? Rom-com or serial killers?

4. Calm down

If you aren't someone who meditates, you can start now, and it's never too late. All you need to do is some breathing exercises and sit in one place, be mindful and try to exhale any negativity that you have inside you. Don't be fake positive, but don't overthink to a toxic level.

5. Talk to a loved one

Being away physically doesn't mean you can miss out on a nice video call. Your long lost school friends, distant aunt, and cousins, it's a good place to revive all the old memories. You need that kind of positivity in life. Also, your grandparents probably miss you. Check up on everyone, see how they are doing.

6. Bake

Nothing can beat some good ' brownies. Look up your favorite recipe or ask your grandma! I'm sure she'll be willing to help. Some chocolate and sugar will surely uplift your mood, you'll have fun baking and your family will surely love it.

Have fun!

Stay inside, stay safe, and don't let yourself give up. You're doing great in playing your part of staying indoors. I wish good health to you and your family, and to understand that we're all in this together. There's light at the end of the tunnel, and we'll soon make it there.

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